Beta glucan is the most studied, natural immune system supplement in the world.
Beta glucan is a natural polysaccharide that is classified as an Immuno-Modulator; meaning, it “modulates” (changes) your Immune System to make it as efficient as possible. This fiber-like molecule works by activating Immune System cells in the body: Macrophages, Neutrophils, Basophils, Natural Killer Cells, etc.
Macrophages, specifically, trigger a host of immune functions that allow the body to produce the most complete, effective and appropriate immune response achievable. The activity of the body's immunocytes (Immune Cells) determines how well your Immune System traps and consumes invaders that do not belong in the body.
When the body is confronted with foreign pathogens it sees as non-self, Beta glucan puts the immune cells on “high alert” to confront the attackers.
Simply put, Beta Glucan is the catalyst that makes our immune systems smarter, increasing the strength of our wellness forces.
Immunologists have known the benefits of beta glucan for over 50 years.

Welcome to the beta glucan capital of the internet.
For first-time visitors, please note that “Beta Gluten," “Beta Glucon,” Beta Glucane,” etc.; are all just common misspellings/mispronunciations of the word Beta Glucan. Rest assured, you are in the right place: Better Way Health, the #1 Retailer of Beta Glucan in the USA!